This three part webinar series provides a guide to understanding the central concepts of Relationship Centered Leadership and the conversations needed to improve organizational performance. When people believe management cares about them, engagement steps up. You will learn first that inclusion builds relationships; exclusion destroys them because it diminishes a person’s sense of identity and belonging. Second, relationship and communication are inseparable. So if you believe your message is important, first build a relationship.
We all have the power to be influential leaders. Leadership isn’t a position – it’s a behavior that can be expressed each and every day.
ViewPoint 360 is proud to present Ms. Angie Morgan a 20-year leadership expert. New York times bestselling author and inspirational keynote speaker, who will be presenting her exclusive insights and excerpts on Leadership, from her book SPARK!
Shortly after launching her professional career, Angie saw a need in the workplace: professionals consistently showed the capacity to be leaders, but no one was actively helping them get there.
In this webinar, Angie will inspire individuals to take action to ensure their performance is high and their goals are achieved.
This exclusive session will highlight:
The three common misconceptions about leadership
Leadership behaviors anyone – at any level – can demonstrate, which are detailed in the New York Times Best-Selling book SPARK: How to Lead Yourself and Others to Greater Success
A one-of-a-kind offer that can help you inspire greater leadership among whatever team or group that you’re a part of
The premise of this webinar is that leadership is poorly understood because human systems are poorly understood. Like the paradigms of old, which were eventually discarded—flat earth, earth at the center of the universe, and so on—most people are trapped in a limiting paradigm of personal authority and human systems. Problems are understood as “clashes of personality,” and blame is directed at the superficial level of individuals, groups, and structure. The result is hardly more sophisticated than a soap opera. The true root cause is over- looked, and hence perpetuated.T
here is a way out, clearly demonstrated, consistently replicated, and yet little known. This webinar clarifies that path, blazed by family systems therapist Dr. Edwin Friedman. As the title of my latest book suggests, leadership can be learned. Although there is art to leadership, there is also science. With this webinar you will gain a new understanding of human systems and of how to improve yourself and the system you are in.
This exclusive session will highlight:
Friedman’s Five Characteristics of Chronically Anxious (i.e., over stressed) Systems
The Three Components of Dr. Murray Bowen’s Self-Differentiation Inner Guidance System
The Three Components of Friedman’s Self-Differentiated Leadership
The application of all of the above to leading and influencing organizations
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